Twitter paid out $322,420 in bug bounties
« Researchers have proven that bug bounties are a cheaper way for discovering vulnerabilities than hiring full-time bug hunters would be and, in the last few years, many Internet and tech companies have instituted such programs. »
TeamViewer denies hack after PCs hijacked, PayPal accounts drained • The Register
« Remote-control tool wobbles offline, blames bad passwords for compromises »
Victim identifies armed robber after Facebook suggests he add him as a friend
« The BBC reports that a robber’s rip-offs have unravelled after he was spotted on the “people you may know” list by the victim of a car robbery in Birmingham, UK. According to the BBC, Detective Constable Rhiannon Daff said the Facebook information was “a crucial part of the investigation” and “the final piece of the jigsaw.” »
Got $90,000? A Windows 0-Day Could Be Yours
« here’s a look at one convincing recent exploit sales thread from the cybercrime underworld where the current asking price for a Windows-wide bug that allegedly defeats all of Microsoft’s current security defenses is USD $90,000. »
Russian ransomware boss earns $90,000 per year
« A recent report by Deep & Dark Web intelligence outfit Flashpoint details one organized Russian ransomware campaign, and the guy at the top is pulling in an average monthly “salary” of $7,500 (that’s $90,000 per year). »
50 hackers Who Stole $25million Arrested by Russian Authorities
« Around fifty cybercriminals have been arrested by Russian authorities on charges of stealing 1.7billion roubles. This roughly accumulated to $25 million and £18 million. «
Hackers Leak 36 million+ MongoDB Accounts
« A group of hackers going by the handle of TeamGhostShell has leaked more than 36 million accounts/records of internal data from several vulnerable networks in order to raise awareness about the poor security infrastructure implemented on MongoDB databases by their owners. »
65 million Tumblr users should probably be careful…
« Earlier this month, Tumblr revealed that it had recently become aware that user addresses and salted and hashed passwords dating back to 2013 had fallen into the hands of hackers. »
Banks With Bad Cybersecurity Could Face SWIFT Justice
» « We could say that if the immediate security around SWIFT is not in order we could cut you off, you shouldn’t be on the network, » Leibbrandt tells the Financial Times. »
427 millions de mots de passe MySpace piratés : ce qu’il faut savoir
« Selon LeakedSource, il y a 360 216 014 adresses de courrier électronique dans la base de données, dont un bon gros tiers (111 341 258 très précisément) a un nom d’utilisateur qui est attaché. »
Enorme bug informatique au Crédit coopératif
« En cause : un énorme bug informatique, qui paralyserait l’activité des agences du Crédit coopératif au moins depuis le 31 mai, et dont les premiers signes auraient commencé voilà déjà plusieurs semaines. »
EY to auction $13m worth of bitcoin
« The Australian arm of Ernst & Young is preparing to auction off around US$13 million worth of bitcoin that were confiscated as proceeds of crime. »
Swift details new security programme
« In a significant new measure to tackle increasing cyber threats, SWIFT today announced a new customer security programme – a dedicated initiative to reinforce and evolve the security of global banking, consolidating and building upon existing SWIFT and industry efforts. »
Microsoft unveils blockchain-based identity system
« Microsoft is collaborating with Blockstack Labs and ConsenSys, and developers across the globe on an open source, self-sovereign, blockchain-based identity system. »
Des idées de lecture cybersécurité

La cybersécurité pour les Nuls
Pour obtenir toutes les informations sur la cybersécurité, apprendre à protéger ses données sensibles sereinement et à éviter le hacking

Sécurité informatique - Ethical Hacking : Apprendre l'attaque pour mieux se défendre
Ce livre a pour objectif d'initier le lecteur aux techniques des attaquants pour lui apprendre comment se défendre.

Cyberattaques: Les dessous d'une menace mondiale
Un documentaire captivant et éclairant sur les affrontements entre attaquants et défenseurs du numérique, face à la plus grande menace de la prochaine décennie.