‘Entire Hacking Capacity Of CIA’ Dumped On Wikileaks, Site Claims
« Among the leaked documents are those that allegedly describe numerous zero-day vulnerabilities targeting Android, iOS, and Windows systems, as well as exploits against network routers, smart TVs, and critical components in connected vehicles. »
Les comptes de 20’000 clients de Swisscom et Migros ont été piratés
« Vingt mille clients des services de téléphonie Wingo et M-Budget se sont fait pirater leur compte, affirme le quotidien Le Temps vendredi. C’est une société qui travaille pour Migros et Swisscom qui a été attaquée. »
La Suisse veut participer au cybercentre de l’OTAN
« Le secrétaire général de l’OTAN Jens Stoltenberg a rencontré mercredi et jeudi plusieurs conseillers fédéraux à Berne. Les discussions ont porté sur la sécurité en Europe, le développement de partenariats dans le cadre de l’OTAN et l’engagement de la Suisse pour la paix. »
Singapore’s Ministry of Defence suffers its first successful cyberattack
« A cyberattack on the Defence Ministry of Singapore’s internet system (I-net) has resulted in the personal data of 850 employees and conscripted military personnel being stolen. »
Un institut valaisan intègre deux programmes américains de sécurité
« L’institut de recherche Idiap de Martigny et son Centre suisse de recherche et d’évaluation en sécurité biométrique ont intégré deux programmes phares du gouvernement américain dédiés à la sécurité biométrique. »
Database of 1.4 Billion Records leaked from World’s Biggest Spam Networks
« A database of 1.4 billion email addresses combined with real names, IP addresses, and often physical address has been exposed in what appears to be one the largest data breach of this year. »
Des malwares préinstallés sur des dizaines de smartphones Samsung, Google et LG
« Des logiciels malveillants sont préinstallés sur certains exemplaires de téléphones très populaires comme le Galaxy S7, le LG G4 ou le Nexus 5. Ils en seraient équipés dès la sortie de leurs usines. «
Millions of Smart Meters May Over-Inflate Readings by up to 600%
« Lab tests carried out by Dutch scientists have shown that some of today’s « smart » electrical meters may give out false readings that in some cases can be 582% higher than actual energy consumption. »
1 Million Decrypted Gmail and Yahoo Accounts Being Sold on Dark Web
« A dark web marketplace is where one can buy all sorts of illegal stuff including drugs, fake id cards and weapons. Lately, these marketplaces have become the best place for hackers and cyber criminals to sell databases stolen from Internet giants. »
Payments Giant Verifone Investigating Breach
« Credit and debit card payments giant Verifone is investigating a breach of its internal computer networks that appears to have impacted a number of companies running its point-of-sale solutions, according to sources. Verifone says the extent of the breach was limited to its corporate network and that its payment services network was not impacted. »
Home Depot agrees to $25 million settlement with banks over data breach
« Home Depot agreed to pay $25 million to a number of banks in a settlement over the home improvement retailer’s 2014 data breach that impacted more than 50 million consumers. »
Why Printers Still Pose a Security Threat
« Experts at the University Alliance Ruhr recently announced vulnerabilities in laser printers from manufacturers including Dell, HP, Lexmark, Samsung, Brother, and Konica. The flaws could permit print docs to be captured, allow buffer overflow exploits, disclose passwords, or cause printer damage. »
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.