Voici le rapport de veille de la semaine faisant le tour des actualités les plus intéressantes. Certaines d’entre elles seront développées dans les prochains articles. Bonne lecture et Merci pour le café !
Vol / perte de données
DigitalOcean Data Breach Exposed Customers’ Billing Information
DigitalOCean confirmed the data breach via an email to its customers confirming the exposure of billing details. The tech giant assured that the incident affected very few customers. DigitalOcean Data Breach Recently, TechCrunch has reported on a
Des centaines de milliers de données clients de ParkMobile piratées
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Cyberattaques / fraudes
La police a désinstallé le botnet Emotet sur 1,6 million de machines infectées
Créée et diffusée par la police fédérale allemande, la procédure d’autodestruction s’est déclenchée comme prévu le 25 avril.
FBI shares 4 million email addresses used by Emotet with Have I Been Pwned
Millions of email addresses collected by Emotet botnet for malware distribution campaigns have been shared by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as part of the agency’s effort to clean infected computers.
Des pirates rançonnent la police de Washington DC
Ils menacent de publier les données sur les informateurs des forces de l’ordre si leur demande de rançon n’est pas respectée.
Ransomware attack exposes 250GB files of Washington Police Department – Cybersecurity Insiders
A Babuk Ransomware attack that took place on the database of Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department has now led to the leak of some of the critical
Des pirates chiffrent des NAS Qnap avec 7zip… et récoltent plus de 200000 euros
Ils réclament une rançon d’environ 400 euros. En l’espace de quelques jours, ils ont déjà réussi à collecter plus de 200 000 euros.
Law enforcement delivers final blow to Emotet
Over the weekend law enforcement authorities took another stab at taking down Emotet to kneecap malware and ransomware campaigns.
Failles / vulnérabilités
New stealthy Linux malware used to backdoor systems for years
A recently discovered Linux malware with backdoor capabilities has flown under the radar for years, allowing attackers to harvest and exfiltrate sensitive information from compromised devices.
Microsoft finds critical code execution bugs in IoT, OT devices
Microsoft security researchers have discovered over two dozen critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities in Internet of Things (IoT) devices and Operational Technology (OT) industrial systems.
Des applications tierces peuvent accéder aux données sensibles de Swisscovid
Un chercheur a découvert un bug dans le système de notification des expositions de Google utilisé par Swisscovid et d’autres apps de traçage. Certaines applications privilégiées installées sur les smartphones Android peuvent accéder à des données sensibles et en déduire les personnes infectées ou exposées.
10,000+ unpatched ABUS Secvest alarms can be remotely deactivated
10,000+ unpatched ABUS Secvest home alarm systems could be remotely disabled exposing customers to intrusions and thefts.
Justice / police / réglementation
EU adopts controversial law forcing one-hour takedowns of terrorist content
The European Parliament has formally adopted a law mandating that internet companies take down terrorist content one hour after receiving an official notice. Critics worry the law will hinder free speech across the EU.
Justice Department launches review of cyber policies after ransomware, supply chain scourges
It’s an acknowledgement that, despite indictments and arrests, cyberthreats to U.S. organizations are unrelenting.
European police hope Google ads will steer teenagers away from a life of hacking
In a series of new programs launching this year, European authorities are working to intervene with teen hackers before they break the law.
Divers / Suisse
Security expert coalition shares actions to disrupt ransomware
The Ransomware Task Force, a public-party coalition of more than 50 experts, has shared a framework of actions to disrupt the ransomware business model.
Australian government’s major IT shops to help others with cybersecurity
The Australian government is planning on establishing three ‘Cyber Hub’ pilots that will see departments such as Defence, Home Affairs, and Services Australia provide cyber services for the smaller ones.
Mystère : pourquoi le Pentagone a-t-il activé 175 millions d’adresses IPv4 ?
L’armée américaine détient le plus grand stock d’adresses IPv4 au monde, mais n’en utilisait qu’une petite fraction. Jusqu’à maintenant.
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