Voici le rapport de veille de la semaine faisant le tour des actualités les plus intéressantes. Certaines d’entre elles seront développées dans les prochains articles. Bonne lecture et merci pour le café 😉
Tesla Employees Allegedly Shared Customers’ Private Videos and Photos
Former Tesla employees told Reuters that images were shared in group chats and one-on-one communications between 2019 and last year.
US seizes $112 million from cryptocurrency investment scammers
Today, the U.S. Department of Justice seized six virtual currency accounts containing over $112 million in funds stolen in cryptocurrency investment schemes.
Ransomware hackers leak second batch of city data from Oakland attack | Engadget
Hackers have dumped a second wave of data from a ransomware attack against Oakland..
FBI seizes Genesis Market, a notorious hacker marketplace for stolen logins
The FBI has seized the notorious marketplace, used by hackers to acquire stolen credentials and digital browser fingerprints.
Oops: Samsung Employees Leaked Confidential Data to ChatGPT
Employees submitted source code and internal meetings to ChatGPT just weeks after the company lifted a ban on using the chatbot.
Voici Rorschach, le ransomware le plus redoutable du monde
Un mystérieux nouveau ransomware vise les entreprises. Redoutablement efficace, il chiffre toutes les données d’un ordinateur en un temps record…
L’Europe va se doter d’un « cyber bouclier » à plus d’un milliard d’euros
Bruxelles propose de construire cinq à six centres opérationnels de sécurité capables de détecter des comportements malveillants en…-Cybersécurité
Uber data theft: Driver info stolen after law firm breached
For the third time in the last six months, internal Uber data has been compromised. This latest incident is the result of a supply chain attack.
Threat Actors Increasingly Use Telegram For Phishing Purposes
The findings come from cybersecurity experts at Kaspersky
UK Criminal Records Office Crippled by Potential Ransomware Attack
ESET’s global security advisor, Jake Moore, suspects that the agency might have become a victim of a ransomware attack.
Spain’s most dangerous and elusive hacker now in police custody
The police in Spain have arrested José Luis Huertas (aka « Alcaseca », « Mango », « chimichuri »), a 19-year-old regarded as the most dangerous hackers in the country.
FBI warns of companies exploiting sextortion victims for profit
For-profit companies reportedly linked to sextortion activity are targeting victims using various deceptive tactics to pressure them into paying for « assistance » services provided by non-profit agencies and law enforcement for free, the FBI warns.
MSI confirms security breach following ransomware attack claims
Following reports of a ransomware attack, Taiwanese PC vendor MSI (short for Micro-Star International) confirmed today that its network was breached in a cyberattack.
Google TAG Warns of North Korean-linked ARCHIPELAGO Cyberattacks
North Korean-backed threat actor ARCHIPELAGO targets South Korean & US government, military, and policy experts.
Hackers steal crypto assets by defeating 2FA with rogue browser extension
The Rilide malware tricks victims into revealing their second-factor authentication to withdraw cryptocurrency in the background.
TikTok condamné à 12,7 M£ d’amende au Royaume-Uni – Le Monde Informatique
Données Personnelles : Le Royaume-Uni inflige une amende de 12,7 millions de livres sterling (environ 14,5 millions d’euros) à TikTok pour violation de la vie privée des…
Capita cyberattack disrupted access to its Microsoft Office 365 apps
British outsourcing services provider Capita announced today that a cyberattack on Friday prevented access to its internal Microsoft Office 365 applications.
Western Digital says hackers stole data in ‘network security’ breach
The data storage giant said hackers exfiltrated data from its systems. WD’s My Cloud network-attached storage (NAS) service is also down.
La Ville de Lille alerte ses employés de la fuite de leurs données bancaires
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