Une attaque informatique majeure a paralysé une partie du Web pendant plusieurs heures
« Twitter, Netflix, Reddit ou encore le site du « New York Times » : certains des plus grands sites mondiaux ont été fortement perturbés, essentiellement pour les internautes américains. »
La police suisse se joint à un projet international d’aide aux victimes de ransomware
« La police fédérale a rejoint l’initiative «No more ransom!», pilotée notamment par Europol et Kaspersky Lab. La plateforme web du projet propose des outils gratuits pour éviter de devoir verser une rançon aux cybercriminels. »
India experiences catastrophic cyberattack, 3.2 million debit card account details stolen
« In one of the country’s worst data breaches to date, 3.2 million debit cards have reportedly become compromised. »
Faulty protection aids theft of 33 million accounts from Evony
« The long list of massive hacks continues to grow, as online gaming platform Evony experienced not one but two hacks in two months. Usernames, emails, passwords and IPs of more than 33 million user accounts were leaked online after hackers got into the system in June. »
Android banking Trojan asks victims to send selfies with ID cards
« Its main goal is to collect login credentials used by the victims to access their online banking, payment, email or social media accounts, and it does so by detecting when a legitimate mobile app is opened and overlaying screens over it, asking for information to be entered in them. »
43+ million users affected by confirmed Weebly breach
« Weebly, a popular web-hosting service featuring a drag-and-drop website builder, has been breached, and email addresses/usernames, IP addresses and encrypted passwords for some 43 million users have been stolen. »
One out of Two American Adults Part of the FBI’s Facial Recognition Database
« Continued development of facial recognition databases is currently the first priority of the American intelligence and law enforcement agencies. The reason is that these databases can greatly help in their investigations as it would become easier for them to obtain full identities of suspects simply by matching pictures. »
FBI arrests Russian hacker behind 117M LinkedIn 2012 Breach
« The local law enforcement authorities in Prague along with the help of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have arrested an alleged Russian hacker responsible for the massive LinkedIn data breach in 2012 in which account details of 117 million users was stolen and leaked online in May 2016. »
“No More Ransom” Campaign Saves 2,500 Ransomware Victims, 1.3 Mil Euros
« Thanks to the effective No More Ransom initiative, over 2,500 victims of ransomware were able to decrypt their data. The campaign, which was launched just three months before, has managed to save more than $1million or 1.3 million Euros. »
Le malware Mirai étend ses cibles potentielles
« Le malware utilisé dans l’attaque ayant visé le site Krebsonsecurity s’en prend à de nouvelles cibles. Celui-ci ne se contente plus de viser des caméras IP, mais s’attaque aujourd’hui à des routeurs de Sierra Wireless. »
« La firme de sécurité Symantec a confirmé qu’un second groupe de hackers a cherché à dérober des banques en recourant à des messages frauduleux de SWIFT, une approche similaire à celle utilisée par un autre groupe dans l’opération lancée contre la banque centrale du Bangladesh et qui s’est soldée par le vol de 81 millions de dollars. »
New technology sends passwords through skin
« Researchers at The University of Washington’s Networks and Mobile Systems Lab are experimenting with technology that sends signals such as passcodes through the skin. Touchpads and fingerprint readers create the signals that are then transmitted through the body. Unlike wireless broadcasts, these electrical transmissions cannot be intercepted in the air. »
New EU rules could cost UK firms £122bn in cybersecurity fines
« Businesses in the UK could face up to £122 billion in regulatory penalties for cybersecurity breaches when new EU legislation comes into effect in 2018, says the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). »
Yahoo wants the US to explain its email surveillance order
« Yahoo has called on the US government to explain why it compelled the company to scan millions of its users’ email accounts. »
Protection des données: une majorité d’entreprises françaises ignorent les enjeux
« Plus de 9 entreprises européennes sur 10 n’ont qu’une compréhension partielle du nouveau règlement européen en matière de protection des données, selon les résultats du rapport européen sur la confidentialité des données, réalisé par Symantec en partenariat avec le cabinet d’études indépendant Vanson Bourne. «
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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