Voici le rapport de veille de la semaine faisant le tour des actualités les plus intéressantes. Certaines d’entre elles seront développées dans les prochains articles. Bonne lecture et merci pour le café 😉
Vol / perte de données
U.S. senators say CIA data collection has been hidden from public, lawmakers
Two U.S. senators claim the Central Intelligence Agency is running a secret program aimed at scooping up massive amounts of data and has been shielding it from Congressional oversight, they said in a letter released on Friday. In the letter dated April 13, 2021, Senators Ron Wyden, of Oregon, and Martin Heinrich, of New Mexico, warned top U.S.
U.S. government warns that sensitive data is being stolen from defence contractors
The FBI, CISA and NSA have published a joint warning that Russian hackers have targeted defence contractors to steal sensitive data.
Healthcare Data Breaches Impact 147k Illinoisans
Two Illinois healthcare organizations are notifying patients that their PHI may have been exposed
Croatian phone carrier reports data breach
‘A1 Hrvatska’, a Croatian phone carrier, has disclosed a data breach exposing the personal information of roughly 200,000 of its customers. The organisation
Cyberattaques / fraudes
Ukraine says it’s targeted by ‘massive wave of hybrid warfare’
The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) today said the country is the target of an ongoing « wave of hybrid warfare, » aiming to instill anxiety and undermine Ukrainian society’s confidence in the state’s ability to defend its citizens.
Ukrainian DDoS Attacks Should Put US on Notice-Researchers
On Tuesday, institutions central to Ukraine’s military and economy were hit with denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Impact was limited, but the ramifications are not.
Red Cross Hack Linked to Iranian Influence Operation?
A network intrusion at the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) in January led to the theft of personal information on more than 500,000 people receiving assistance from the group.
Emotet Now Spreading Through Malicious Excel Files
An ongoing malicious email campaign that includes macro-laden files and multiple layers of obfuscation has been active since late December.
Alleged ransomware attack disrupted ops at Slovenia’s Pop TV station
Last week, a cyberattack hit Pop TV, Slovenia’s most popular TV channel, disrupting the operations.
Failles / vulnérabilités
Master Key for Hive Ransomware Retrieved Using a Flaw in its Encryption Algorithm
Researchers retrieve the master key for unlocking files locked by Hive ransomware by exploiting a flaw in its encryption algorithm.
Google doubles bug bounties
Google has announced that they have doubled the rewards for anyone who can who can demonstrate working exploits for a range of zero-day and one-day vulnerabilit
VMware fixes holes that could allow virtual machine escapes
Hats off to VMware for not using weasel words: « When should you act? » Immediately…
Justice / police / réglementation
La CIA est à nouveau impliquée dans une affaire de surveillance de masse des Américains
Des sénateurs américains ont eu vent d’un programme de surveillance secret de l’agence de renseignement. Ils demandent des éclaircissements.
Un revendeur de logiciels espions plaide coupable devant la justice américaine
L’homme d’affaires Carlos Guerrero a notamment servi d’intermédiaire entre l’entreprise italienne Hacking Team et des autorités mexicaines.
EDPS watchdog call for bans on surveillance spyware like Pegasus
The European Data Protection Supervisor authority called for a ban on the development and the use of Pegasus-like commercial spyware.
Australian encryption laws used to force provider to help in homicide case
NSW Police becomes the first interception agency to use a Technical Assistance Notice.
Croatian Police arrests minor over A1 Telecom data breach & ransom demand
The 14-year-old was accused of stealing data of 100,000 Tele Operator A1 customers and asking for 150 Ethereum coins ($500,000) in ransom.
Neuchâtel – Cyberattaque: une demande de rançon est bien parvenue à l’Université
Vendredi, les systèmes informatiques de la Haute-Ecole étaient inutilisables. Certains ont vu des fichiers se crypter et ont reçu un message faisant référence à une rançon. Des mesures ont été prises immédiatement.
La Confédération met en garde 130 organisations contre une faille de sécurité informatique
Le Centre national pour la cybersécurité a envoyé une lettre recommandée à 130 entreprises et communes, pour les informer des failles de sécurité d’un logiciel de messagerie. Cet avertissement n’est pas le premier, mais les acteurs concernés n’ont pas encore réagi.
Vaud – Attention aux fausses convocations judiciaires
De fausses convocations judiciaires envoyées par mail, accusent leurs destinataires de certains délits. Il s’agit d’une arnaque, dénonce la police cantonale vaudoise.
Swisscom, Sunrise UPC et Salt concernés par une attaque au ransomware
Le fournisseur de services de télécommunication américain iBasis a été victime d’une attaque par ransomware. Des données ont été publiées sur le darkweb et concernent les fournisseurs télécoms suisses. Ces derniers cherchent à savoir si des données sensibles de leurs clients ont été touchées.
French Dad tries to block his kids internet, wipes out town WiFi
A French father attempting to use a signal jammer to prevent his children from accessing the internet accidentally knocked out an entire town’s internet connect