Voici le rapport de veille de la semaine faisant le tour des actualités les plus intéressantes. Certaines d’entre elles seront développées dans les prochains articles. Bonne lecture et merci pour le café 😉
Vol / perte de données
500 million WhatsApp mobile numbers up for sale on the dark web
The seller claims to have data of users from over 84 countries, including US, UK, India, Egypt, Mexico and Russia.
Medibank hackers reportedly release all data on dark web
Australian insurance group confirms hackers who breached its database have dumped another six zipped files of customer data on the dark web, with claims these contain all of the data they stole.
Belgian Police Under Fire After Major Ransomware Leak
Crime reports dating back 15 years are made public
LastPass admits to customer data breach caused by previous breach
Seems that the developer account that the crooks breached last time gave indirect access to customer data this time round.
Cyberattaques / fraudes
Le piratage de 5,4 millions de comptes Twitter plus grave que prévu – Le Monde Informatique
Intrusion, Hacking et Pare-feu : Confirmé par Twitter cet été, le hack de 5,4 millions de comptes Twitter de janvier dernier a été exploité par plusieurs cybergangs et non un seul….
RansomBoggs Ransomware hit several Ukrainian entities
Several Ukrainian organizations were hit by Russia-based RansomBoggs Ransomware in the last week, ESET reports.
New CryWiper wiper targets Russian entities
Experts spotted a new data wiper, dubbed CryWiper, that was employed in destructive attacks against Russian mayor’s offices and courts.
Wave of cyber-enabled scams target FIFA World Cup fans
Digital scams looking to steal data and dollars from World Cup fans are in full force as the tournament enters week two.
Keralty ransomware attack impacts Colombia’s health care system
The Keralty multinational healthcare organization suffered a RansomHouse ransomware attack on Sunday, disrupting the websites and operations of the company and its subsidiaries.
Iran’s Fars News Agency website hacked as part of anti-govt protests
On Friday, 25th November, the hacktivist group by the name of Black Reward attacked the database of the Iranian hardline Fars News Agency.
North Korea Hackers Using New « Dolphin » Backdoor to Spy on South Korean Targets
North Korea-linked ScarCruft APT hackers have been spotted using a previously undocumented backdoor called Dolphin to spy on targets in its southern.
Failles / vulnérabilités
U.S. Govt. Apps Bundled Russian Code With Ties to Mobile Malware Developer
A recent scoop by Reuters revealed that mobile apps for the U.S. Army and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were integrating software that sends visitor data to a Russian company called Pushwoosh, which claims to be based in the United States.
Justice / police / réglementation
Interpol Seized $130 Million from Cybercriminals in Global « HAECHI-III » Crackdown Operation
INTERPOL arrested 975 suspected cybercriminals and seized $130 million in a global crackdown on voice phishing, romance fraud, sextortion, investment
Le Conseil de l’UE adopte la directive NIS2 – Le Monde Informatique
Juridique : Alors que le Conseil de l’UE cherche à améliorer la résilience et les capacités de réponse aux incidents dans l’Union Européenne, la directive NIS2…
Police arrest 55 members of ‘Black Panthers’ SIM Swap gang
The Spanish National Police have arrested 55 members of the ‘Black Panthers’ cybercrime group, including one of the organization’s leaders based in Barcelona.
Australia will now fine firms up to AU$50 million for data breaches
The Australian parliament has approved a bill to amend the country’s privacy legislation, significantly increasing the maximum penalties to AU$50 million for companies and data controllers who suffered large-scale data breaches.
Meta Fined €265 million in Facebook Data Scraping Case in the EU
Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) has placed a fine of €265 million on Meta following Facebook’s data scraping case.
SIM swapper gets 18-months for involvement in $22 million crypto heist
Florida man Nicholas Truglia was sentenced to 18 months in prison on Thursday for his involvement in a fraud scheme that led to the theft of millions from cryptocurrency investor Michael Terpin.
Condamné pour piratage, l’ancien prestataire de l’ARS Ile-de-France voulait prouver qu’il était » le seul à pouvoir dépanner l’infrastructure «
Deux quinquagénaires ont été condamnés à de la prison ferme et de la prison avec sursis pour avoir piraté l’Agence régionale de santé d’Ile-de-France. Le principal mis en cause, un ancien prestataire, voulait se venger.
Le NCSC deviendra un office du DDPS
Informations actuelles de l’administration. Tous les communiqués de l’administration fédérale, des départements et des offices.
Le Conseil fédéral soumet au Parlement le message concernant l’obligation de signaler les cyberattaques contre les infrastructures critiques
Informations actuelles de l’administration. Tous les communiqués de l’administration fédérale, des départements et des offices.
Logiciels espions : Google soupçonne une entreprise espagnole de développer des logiciels espions
Selon Google, Variston IT aurait exploité plusieurs vulnérabilités dans Chrome, Firefox et Microsoft Defender, un cadre permettant ensuite l’installation de logiciels espions.
A Syntax Error Led to Crashing of KmsdBot Cryptomining Botnet
The KmsdBot was known for targeting both Linux and Windows devices.