Voici la sélection des cyberattaques majeures découvertes la semaine passée.
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Les actus sélectionnées cette semaine
Des télescopes situés à Hawaï et au Chili ciblés par une mystérieuse cyberattaque
Tout un réseau d’observation astronomique a été mis en veille par précaution. Avec déjà de lourdes conséquences. Il y a quelques semaines, un piratage informatique a ciblé mystérieusement l’un des deux télescopes de l’observatoire astronomique Gemini, cofinancé par plusieurs pays…
FBI and NCSC Warn of Foreign Cyberattacks on US Space Sector
The advisory underscores the heightened risks posed by cyberattacks and other covert methods employed by foreign intelligence entities.
Cuba ransomware uses Veeam exploit against critical U.S. organizations
The Cuba ransomware gang was observed in attacks targeting critical infrastructure organizations in the United States and IT firms in Latin America, using a combination of old and new tools.
Chinese APT Targets Hong Kong in Supply Chain Attack
Dubbed Carderbee, the group used legitimate software and Microsoft-signed malware to spread the Korplug/PlugX backdoor to various Asian targets.
North Korea’s Lazarus APT Uses GUI Framework to Build Stealthy RAT
The world’s most notorious threat actor is using an unprecedented tactic for sneaking spyware into the IT networks of important companies.
Mississippi Hospital System Still Struggling With Attack
A three-hospital health system serving the Mississippi Gulf Coast has resorted to paper charting and other manual processes for patient care as it deals with a
Chinese State Hackers ‘Flax Typhoon’ Targeting Taiwan
Chinese state hackers are targeting Taiwanese organizations, likely for espionage, in a difficult-to-detect campaign that relies on Windows utilities. Microsoft
Lazarus Group Debuts Tiny Trojan for Espionage Attacks
Researchers spotted North Korean state hackers deploying a more compact remote access Trojan through a flaw in IT service management software in a campaign
There was a 387% increase in attack activity from Q1 to Q2 2023
Global Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks during the first half of 2023 were analyzed in a recent report by Zayo Group Holdings.
Ransomware : record d’attaques en juillet, Cl0p à la manoeuvre
Les données du NCC Group montrent que les taux d’incidents liés aux ransomwares en juillet ont battu les records précédents. Et le groupe Cl0p joue un rôle non négligeable dans cette affaire.
How Russian hackers targeted NATO’s Vilnius summit
A Graphika study exposes campaigns trolling the defense alliance’s gathering with fake press releases and purported intelligence documents.
BlackCat Ransomware Group targets Seiko Watch Japan – Cybersecurity Insiders
ALPHV Ransomware, also known as the BlackCat Ransomware group, has recently directed their cyber attack towards Seiko, a renowned Japanese watch
South Africa claims DdoS Cyber Attack from India because of PM Narender Modi – Cybersecurity Insiders
A few days ago, the Daily Maverick, a South African news outlet, published a contentious statement concerning Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
Les cybercriminels automatisent le phishing via Office 365
Le NCSC met en garde contre une nouvelle variante de phishing via Office 365. Après avoir volé les données de connexion, les pirates placent un serveur proxy entre la victime et Microsoft afin de déjouer l’authentification à deux facteurs. Comme ils utilisent pour cela des certificats web valides, le stratagème est difficilement détectable.